Saturday, May 14, 2005

Prom Night in Folsom

By some lucky coincidence the fancy restaurant we mother and father-in-law to Saturday night was also one of THE places to eat dinner before the folsom prom and that was HIGHLY entertaining.

In sum: the boys looked YOUNG and the girls looked NAKED!
This one girl was literally wearing this I dream of Jeannie thing that was that peachy shimmery/metallic fabric and the top was just a bandeau that tied in the back (think strapless bikini top) and then hanging down from that in the front was a long piece of sheer peach fabric through which you could totally see her belly button goo-ga, her back was TOTALLY bare except for the ties from the front and then there was a matching full length fitted skirt! My Mom never EVER would have let me out of the house in that but it would have been MOOT because I would have been grounded for like a YEAR for getting my belly button pierced! Oh and did I mention she was BLOND and hair her hair piled up on her head in ringlets. Really all she needed was harem pants and a bottle.

The attire in general was quite entertaining ... in general the gowns were much shorter and or/tighter/covered with glitter than in MY day and they ALL had had their hair professionally "done" and at least five of them had TIARAS worked into their dos. We spent the evening drinking wine, totally dissecting everyone, deciding who had the best and worst outfit, hair, etc., and also who was the best looking. We decided on this exotic mix-raced girl with black hair, almond eyes and many rhinestones on her black dress that somehow managed to be elegant instead of tacky and a cute boy (who SO knew it) who had that cocky self-assured thing (and also a black on black tux -- very sharp) that reminded me of a crush I once had. Sadly they were not together.

The wrist corsage is back IN apparently and I was quite entertained by the fact that 1) they had special single sheet of pink paper menus for the kids 2) Several of the girls took quite a while to figure out you have to take your lovely elbow length gloves OFF to eat and 3) the tallest girl there (she had to be over 6 feet) had had her hair done to incorporate both a TIARA and a FLOWER making a good two inches taller... AND HEELS! She totally towered over her date.

There was one all in black Goth kind of girl that made me nostalgic and many little boys in tuxes looking just as silly as the probably did in my day. All in all HIGHLY entertaining although I wanted to rip their cell phones out of the manicured hands and BEAT them with them -- so not classy be ON the phone at your prom dinner.

I asked one of the waiters if the prom kids tipped and he just looked at me like "yeah, right...." so I made sure John tipped extra well for our meal!