Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fiction: waking up is hard to do

Squeaky Voice, "Scoot over..."

Witchy Voice, "You move over, I'm trying to WORK here..."

Squeaky Voice, "You've been kicking her in the stomach for 15 minutes and she hasn't even moaned in her sleep yet ... some kind of Cramp Fairy YOU are now MOVE..."

Witchy Voice, "Hold on *KICK KICK KICK PUNCH PUNCH JAB* okay, she outta feel that when she wakes up... I am having to work against painkillers here."

Squeaky Voice, "Yeah that she took last night...great, now she rolled over. Will you PLEASE move out of my way now ... how am I supposed to fill her nose with SNOT if I can't get to it?"

Witchy Voice, "Just blow some pollen towards her face and let's go."

Squeaky Voice, "No wait, I want her to have itchy eyes too."

Witchy Voice, "Fine, I can get her to move again *KICK PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH* yep she's going fetal."

Squeaky Voice, "Thanks, that's a much better angle *sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle bloooooowwww* oooh I think I overdid it..."

Witchy Voice, "You are such a liar ... you KNOW you love it when she wakes up and can't breathe OR see and then sneezes for 15 straight minutes."

Squeaky Voice, "Well, yeah, I do. I AM the Allergy Fairy after all."

Witchy Voice, "And you do an excellent job... now can we go before she wakes up?"

Squeaky Voice, "Fine... see you next month... "

Witchy Voice, "Unless she goes to the doctor and finally gets some real allergy meds."

Squeaky Voice, "Bitch..."

Me, "Moan... snuffle... Moan... snuffle sneeze godammit!"