Sunday, November 21, 2004

A rant about an airline (surprise, it is NOT about Southwest)

US AIRWAYS, which used to be America West, really needs to SUCK me.

This whole MESS started on Friday night. John, who was leaving for his yearly trip to Las Vegas to hang out with his dad, was checking his flight time online and just before it was time to leave the ARRIVAL time leapt by almost 3 hours but the departure time didn't change so he CALLED and talked to THREE different people who told him that it was still leaving ON TIME and to get there for his 8:35 flight. When he WALKED INTO THE AIRPORT they were making an announcement that his flight had been delayed until 11:20. He was SO Pissed because he could have hung out with me for an extra three hours AT HOME instead of being stuck in the airport. So he didn't get to Vegas until almost 1am.

Insert weekend with his dad watching sports, gambling and doing whatever they do.

Flash forward to NOW (10:30ish on Sunday evening) when (after John checking in with me to check the web site 3 times during the course of the day) I go back to check it again and once again the DEPARTURE time on the site hasn't changed but the arrival time is now an hour later. So I'm looking at the first leg of his flight, which was coming in from Dallas, and instead of leaving Dallas at 10:07pm it left at 11:22pm and says it will be ARRIVING in Las Vegas at 12:47am. So I figure John's flight can't really LEAVE Vegas at 11:59 pm. I'm no math genius but I'm pretty sure actual time travel is not involved.

So I leave John a message and this time *I* call those fine folk (sacrasm) at US Airways and the first bitch I get says she can't give me ANY information about the flight because, wait for it, he bought his ticket online, so she transfers me to this other BITCHIER bitch who refuses to actually CONFIRM his flight is leaving late because "things could change" then says well, yeah, the flight DID leave Dallas at 12:47 and then READS (or recites from memory) in this SING SONG voice the whole "blah blah blah due to changes blah recommend blah no matter how late blah arrive at your originally scheduled departure time blah" at me and I am at this point STARING at the phone like "is this happening?" I then tell her just for her information that their web site hasn't been updated yes and she says she knows it takes a half an hour to update. So then I say, "well, this happened on Friday and just for fun I kept an eye on the web site and the departure time NEVER updated, not even after it had actually LEFT 3 hours late" and she says "our site was down yesterday for 4 hour for technical difficulties" and I was (in my head) like uh... yesterday wasn't Friday. Then she says that the site should be fixed by Tuesday if that helps. And I was like "umm... thanks" and then she said "thankyouforchoosingtoflyamericawesthaveaniceday" and hung up.

SOUTHWEST, I owe you an apology. Seriously. I take back everything I ever said about you and your bad outfits, corny pilots and singing flight attendants. I am sorry I referred to you as cattle class and was so grumpy about havin to line up. Really, I took you for granted and I am sorry. Having to shove elderly people out of my way to get a good seat is NOTHING compared to being lied to in a sing song tone of voice. I am totally your A group bitch from now on.

And also I now have to revist my deep DEEP resentment of companies exporting their customer service jobs overseas because I KNOW that no one in India would EVER have been that flagrantly snotty and rude to me. They may LIE and tell me their name is David or Susan but at least they're polite when they do it. I am in a quandry. And tired. Someone remind me to worry more about being torn on this issure later.

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